How to... Customize the display of the pictures


When you create a new album, pictures are displayed by default using the "Smart" mode: they are resized to fit the screen but small images are just zoomed by 3.

Depending on your pictures you may want to use another mode. You can change the default display mode of the album so the next time you will use the album this new mode will be used or just change it during the slideshow to better view a picture.

To change the default mode, open the Album Info window (F6) and select one of the modes listed in the "Mode" drop-down list.

To change the mode during a slideshow, press the key corresponding to the desired mode (see the list of available commands) or right-click the picture and choose the mode in the popup menu.


By default a line of comment is displayed in the lower left corner of the screen during a slideshow.

Its standard content is:

<First line of the picture comment> [<Full pathname of the picture>] <Picture size>

You can:

  1. hide/show this comment,
  2. display a long version of the comment,
  3. disable the comment,
  4. choose its font, color and position on the screen,
  5. select the information you want to display.

1) To hide the comment and to show it again, just press the 'C' key on the keyboard or right-click the picture and choose Comment in the popup menu.

2) To see a long version of the comment, click the comment with the mouse and hold down the button. By default the text displayed is the picture comment. To better read it you can lock this full comment, click the right button while holding the left down.

3) To disable the comment for the current album, open the Album Info window (F6), go to the second tab Color and Appearance and uncheck the Display comments option. Note that you can still display the comment during a slideshow by pressing the 'C' key or by choosing Comment in the popup menu.

4) To modify the way the comments are displayed for the current album, open the Album Info window (F6) and go to the second tab Color and Appearance. There the Comments frame contains the settings fro the comment display: you can choose the comment position on the screen in the "Position " drop-down list. You can also choose the font and colors for the comment: color for the text and for the background. Transparent background is also available so the comment will not hide a part of the picture. To improve readability in this case, select the Shadowed option to have a shadow under the text.

5) The comment text displayed by default in full-screen mode may not be suitable to your album. You may want to display fixed text (a text that will not change like a copyright notice) or some information that describe the album or the current picture (like the album title or the picture comment) or any combination of fixed and variable text.

To allow a flexibility and ease of customization MyAlbum uses what are called Display String. It's a string that contains text and macros codes. Macro codes (beginning with the percent sign (%) and followed by two characters) will be expanded to there corresponding text when the Display String is used.

To change the text displayed open the Album Info window (F6) and go to the second tab Color and Appearance . Then click the for full-screen display button to change the standard comment or the for the full comment button to change the long comment that pops up when clicking the standard comment.

Clicking either of these two buttons will display the Build display string window where you can modify the Display String. Use the Test button to have a preview of the generated text.